Magic of the Future -- A Practical Guide to Action at a Distance
Free Video Presentation - Video #7: Examples of Action at a Distance
Karl Hans Welz, inventor of the Chi Generator®, Orgonite®, etc.
A Gigantic Step into the Future !!!
Wilhelm Reich and Franz Anton Mesmer 150 years before Reich invented accumulators of life force, devices that accumulated life force from its surroundings.  Masemer called this energy "animal magnetism," Reich called it "orgone."  In 1991, I invented the generator of life force (Orgone Generator®, Chi Generator® or Prana Generator®) the first device on the planet that actually generates life force.  One year later I invented a very effective material that accumulates life force (chi, orgone, prana, mana), and I called this material orgonite®.
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Magic of the Future for Everyone, Results for Everyone!!! (Catalog)

01 Introduction to Magic of the Future / Home Page
02 my intentions with magic of the future
03 many approaches based on cultural backgrounds
04 about scientific theories
05 action at a distance or magic or the future, as a science
06 science and traditions
07 Six case scenarios of magical operations
08 the importance of structural links in magic of the future
09 the importance of life energy in magic of the future
10 no life without magic or action at a distance
11 life energy misunderstood
12 reversed entropy, a characteristic of life energy

13 turning abstractions into permanent trend energies
14 how to feel and see life energy
15 how to direct life energy to objects
16 how to project life energy to persons
17 how to generate life energy
18 laws of life energy
19 more about structural links and life energy
20 the cattle prodder experience
21 identical and near-identical structural links
22 symbolic representations as structural links
23 distances as results of structural differences
24 experiments involving structural linkages
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What is Magic or Action at a Distance? - Examples

No, I do not plan to burden you down with a proper definition of this word immediately, perhaps with a lot of pseudo-esoteric-new-agey mumbo-jumbo that is rooted in misunderstood and mislabeled pop-science, as is done all too often:  Therefore no quantum science, no nanotechnology, no unified field theories, no morphogenetic fields, and no other bullshit labeling of that kind!  You know already that with the word AAD (or magic) we describe a specific class of practices that we can use to cause change in our environments:  change, which involves operations at a distance more often than not.  In the following we will examine what type of practices fall under the definition of magic and what some of the common elements of these practices are.  From this we are going to develop an elementary mapping, or theory, that will help you understand the various technologies, or systems, of magic and based on this you can then develop your skills of AAD easily and rapidly, in a matter of a few weeks.

Let's begin with a few scenarios of well-known practices that we call "magic."
Case #1: An old recipe to heal a person is to pull seven hairs of that person. Then drill a hole into a vigorous tree and put the seven hairs into the hole. Then plug the hole with the wood of the same tree. The person will feel better.
Case #2: A "doctor" fabricates a doll. He puts hair and fingernails, or small pieces of clothing, of the target person into the doll. Then, perhaps at a pre calculated time, he goes to a graveyard and puts the doll into an open grave. The person whom he targets may get sick, perhaps may even die.
Case #3: An old recipe against wounds that pus: Take some of the pus out of the wound with a cotton swab and put it into copper sulfate. The wound heals a lot faster.
Case #4: Set up a ceremonial table with candles, incenses, etc. On a piece of paper draw a square with some letters inside. To the left and to the right sides of the square write the names of the people who should fall in love.  Now project life energy into the letter square and the paper. Then burn the paper.
Case #5: A radionics specialist takes a "black box," or radionics device (click here to see about radionics devices in Using a pendulum or the stick pad on the device, she determines the settings of the dials that help in lawsuits. Then she puts the photo of the person whom she helps on the stick pad. She leaves the device "on" until the results show.
Case #6: In a charismatic church the preacher initiates a prayer to heal in his congregation. The person that he intends to heal is far away.

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All contents Copyright © 1985, 1996, 2010 by Karl Hans Welz, unless otherwise specified.
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The Terms "Chi Generator®, Prana Generator®, Orgone Generator® and Orgonite® as well as Chi-Card®" are registered trademarks owned by Karl Hans Welz.